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Old 05-24-2015, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by james_b View Post
Sorry I am not very active and don’t post very much on this forum but I feel this needs to be shared in hopes that others will not be taken advantage of as I have been. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and have given Rick Probstein multiple chances to fix the situation but to be honest with you he has pretty much ignored me. Here is the situation…

Over the last few months I have consigned over $3,000 worth of auctions with Probstein123. For the most part all my transactions have went smoothly. Last month one of my lots had finished and I received my payment a few weeks later. The spreadsheet below is what Probstein123 had sent to me.

Fast forward this month I had sent probstein123 another lot of cards. As usual everything finished up and I was sent a spreadsheet of the cards with he had auctioned off for me. The only difference is on this sheet it contains a card that I had previously sold. To my surprise this time it actually sold for $51.50 more dollars than it did previously (First auction here), Second auction here). The spreadsheet sent to me is below.

Now here is where I have a problem. The math does not add up. As you can see from my current lot after fee’s I net gain of $696.73. with the added $45.32 (after his fees) for the resale I should be receiving $742.05 combined total. But somehow I am only receiving $654.38. Rick Probstein resold my card for a higher profit, pocketed the difference then charged me an additional $42.35 for unknown reasons.

Once I noticed the error I emailed Rick Probstein (I may or may not be talking with him IDK, honestly that does not matter) pointing out the error and asking for an explanation. I received a reply (within about 2 hours) telling me yes it is my error “its in the accounting , yes”. So I went back and triple checked everything over again and I do not see it. Probstein123 has a huge “accounting” error in their favor. Again I emailed them to please re-look this over because the math does not add up. The only thing I received back was another spreadsheet charging me money than previously stated. Rick Probstein sold my cards for a $51.50 additional profit ($45.32 should have been my take) then charged me an additional $42.35 to re-sell my card shorting me $87.67 in total.

Given what I have presented to you and if I am in error please explain to me how I am wrong. If you see where I have been short changed and the lack of customer service I have received from Probstein123, please reconsider doing business with this them. There are other alternatives out there like PWCC and I am sure there are others on this board who probably can help you as well. If you have sold items through Probstein123 you may want to double check their “accounting” methods I am sure I might not be the only one who is being shorted.

**based on previous feeback on other forums I need you to understand that I had no idea this card was being re-listed or as to why. Before the shrilling accusations come in look at my invoice and tell me why I would let cards card at a lesser price than it cost to grade not to mention his fees. Also I have nothing against Rick Probstein.

I wonder if I am in the minority in only reading the comments, and not all of this, and still getting to the same conclusion?
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 05-24-2015 at 12:04 PM.
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