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Old 03-31-2015, 07:29 PM
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ElCabron ElCabron is offline
Ryan Christoff
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 449

Originally Posted by jefferyepayne View Post
I keep a list of auctions that close individual lots if no bids have been made on that item for some amount of time. I'm afraid the only way the status quo is going to change is if people start voting with their dollars and further supporting auction houses who don't close all at once at insane hours of the night.

Here's my list. Let me know if I'm missing anybody.

Brockelman & Luckey
Huggins & Scott
Joe’s Vintage Sports Cards Auctions
Legendary Auctions
Mears Auctions


This is a joke, right? Please tell me this is a joke. There's no possible way you could be suggesting that you, or any other human, should be boycotting auctions that aren't on your list, but should bid with freaking Legendary. Please tell me that's not a serious post. Please?

With all the fraud in the hobby and all the shady practices, you're going to vote with your dollars based on the manner in which an auction house closes? I wonder how much extra voting you did with your dollars by getting shill bid by scumbag auction houses over the years. But I guess at least you got to bed early.

I'm not saying any auction house has a perfect way of closing and dealing with the extended bidding period (a perfect way does not exist), but to take a stance like this when there is rampant fraud which you can't pretend you're not aware of, is absolutely insane.

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