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Old 03-25-2015, 10:03 AM
prewarsports prewarsports is offline
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I apologize to Steve V. as I had no idea there was another Steve working there. My wife asked to speak to "Steve" and that is who they handed the phone to. It does not change the fact that the person I spoke to was pretty rude and told her that my items would sit at their office until I sent them another $25, but I do apologize that I thought that was the owner of the company acting this way and not a new employee (that does make a difference).

So, I apologize for calling out the real Steve and moving forward...

On another note, Steve Verkman did apologize to me for how my wife was treated and I accept the apology as it was much appreciated!

My post was not intended to have people boycott Steve or Clean Sweep, but just relay an experience I had in which my wife was treated badly over the phone because of a very small amount of money. Mistakes happen and I am sure in the future they will be better about treating people with dignity when situations like this happen. This is the only bad experience I have had with them and I will let it go. Its all about people at the end of the day.

Happy Collecting.
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