Thread: John Staples ?
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Old 03-24-2015, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
I wouldn't exactly call a day and a half "days and days" of waiting.

So you email Friday around noon. Probably while he's packing for a show. And he replies just after midnight Saturday (Technically Sunday since it's just after midnight) probably just after he's gotten back from the show, finished unloading had a bite to eat and a bit of relaxing. That he replied then is to me pretty good service. And he follows up about 12 hours later.

I'd say the impatience is a bit over the top, and his response is more than a bit over the top. I'd probably just move you quietly to the permanent "sorry I don't have those" list.

Steve B
I agree with most of what you've written, with a few exceptions. It appears the seller responded on Friday saying that he'd let the OP know that evening what he had (I'm not 100% sure about this due to poor editing of the emails by the OP). He did not get back to the OP. The OP then went to a card show and picked up the cards he needed. I see no foul in that. The seller does respond with the list he has shortly after midnight on Sunday. After 12 hours (during most of which the OP is probably sleeping), the seller "impatiently" says he hasn't gotten a response. At this point, I totally agree with you, "his (the seller's) response is more than a bit over the top. I'd probably just move you quietly to the permanent "sorry I don't have those" list." I don't blame the OP at all. He had a choice at the show. He could either get the cards he needed right then and there or he could wait to hear back from the seller, who said he would respond the previous evening but did not, and hope he has the cards. I think I'd probably take the sure thing also.
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