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Old 02-15-2015, 07:14 AM
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Jimmy Knowle$
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: North Florida
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Here is his response to my message through eBay:

I never intended for the case to be sold for an insane amount of money. When I used the case to have fun with my friends I never tried to sell it. I do think there is some value to it just as a novelty item as i explained in my description. I completely understand your point that someone may try to use it in a fraudulent way but that never crossed my mind until others mentioned it. A scammer is always going to try and scam. Hopefully the message board and even other collectors can learn from this case and auction to really inspect a card and not just trust the case (PRO Grading is a prime example). I feel I was as honest as possible in the description and was very responsible with the case. A toy gun if misused can be utilized in the wrong way but toy companies still sell them. That is not the toy company's intent nor is fraudulent activity mine. I appreciate the conversation. Thanks
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