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Old 02-13-2015, 12:58 PM
djson1 djson1 is offline
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Location: California
Posts: 415

Originally Posted by Mark17 View Post
It sold for $100.

Adds a new wrinkle to the world of selling for fun and profit on ebay. Now you can take a relatively new baseball, stick a forged signature on it (and the forgery doesn't have to be at all good), admit the ball is forged, and still sell for a handsome profit.

What's wonderful is, nobody can say the seller was dishonest because he basically admitted the thing wasn't an actual Ruth signature.
My DID sell! It's not only that he put a disclaimer on it, the signature wasn't even CLOSE. I don't understand. There used to be a time on eBay when you could message the buyers (I did that once to try and see if I could buy something I lost out on in bidding). It's too bad we can't write to them anymore.
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