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Old 02-08-2015, 08:52 PM
vintagesportscollector's Avatar
vintagesportscollector vintagesportscollector is offline
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Default OT: Repairing Acorn Vending Machine Lock

I could use some suggestions from anyone with experience with this. I picked up at an estate sale this weekend this '50s Acorn vending machine - for $20 I couldn't resist and figure I can work it nicely into a display.

Mechanism works fine with nickels, but the locked is seized up. I believe the key is original, but it won't fit completely into the lock because I think the lock mechanism is seized with some rust. Replacing the lock mechanism in these machines appears common, as new locks are easy to get, but was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to unstick the lock. I tried using some WD40 but don't want to force it. Am I left with drilling out the lock and replacing it? Since I don't have experience with that I would probably bring to a locksmith, but would rather not put much more money into this.

Appreciatte any suggestions. Thanks.

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