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Old 01-31-2015, 11:33 AM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
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Originally Posted by brightair View Post
OK, I am the original poster.
Unfortunately I apparently didn't identify the issue that concerned me well enough because the thread seems to have gone off the tracks.
I know well enough that DC prices are high, but I have other reasons to buy from them that are not relevant here.
I also know that cards in the cart are not yet bought, and that also is not my issue.
I also am aware that we are talking small change here, so that also is not my point.
The cards were sitting in the cart for perhaps a week or so, with me adding every day to them.
My point is that prices were raised on items I can neither identify nor tell how much the raise was, AND I never would have been made aware of this fact had I not accidentally noticed that my total cart cost had jumped up beyond what I had agreed to pay. That is what I object to and what I was hoping to get some other opinions about to see if anyone else felt that such a practice was unethical.
If anyone cares to comment on this, I'd be interested to hear opinions.

I would imagine they don't even know what cards you have in your cart until you check out. They could conceivably run out of stock on a card and you could lose out on it between the time you add it to your cart and when you check out.

You don't actually commit to buy, until you hit the buy button.

I run a couple websites and sell on Ebay, and I've had people call me and say they've got such and such in their cart, can you check it out for me, and I have to tell them, I have no way of knowing what's in your cart unless you pay for it.

Also, on the Dean gouging issue. I'm sure they do as plenty of evidence has been put forward already. However in the OP's case it looks like he's paying about a buck a card, for whatever his project is.

Even if it's the commonest of commons, I don't see an issue here. This isn't a card show where somebody just throws 1000's of commons in a bunch of monster boxes, with no labor involved whatsoever, and you have to go through and dig out your own nickle & dime cards.

Anytime there's inventory, labor, scanning, shipping involved, those nickle cards become $1.00-$3.00 cards.

I do this myself with boxing card commons, because I have no interest in selling cards online in which the transaction fee on the payment alone, eats up the entire cost of the card. I'd rather just not sell the card at all and let it sit.

Now once it gets up to a certain level, you know.........legitimate $5-10 cards or so, I understand the concern for gouging.........but I don't think the OP should catch flack for spending a buck a card from Deans or anybody else.
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