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Old 01-17-2015, 06:56 PM
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irishdenny irishdenny is offline
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Default Lil'bit OT: Weak PreWar "ESPN Hall of 100" ShowiN'~imho

I Do LoVe me PreWar!!! And I might be a bit Bias'd However, ThiS List of ESPN's "Hall of 100" iS Full of NeW Talent & LackiN' Many of Our Belove'd PreWar Hero's!!!

I don't really care about what order they're iN(ThaTs NoT ReallY True!)
I just feel that the "PreWar Players" are WaY to FeW & ThiS List iS Completely Lopsided towards "Whats Fresh iN Folks Minds", Rather than Who Should Really be oN "The List"!

Fir instance... My BeLoVe'd Christy Mathewson has been push back AGAiN! By the TiMe the year 2100 rolls around... Will MaTTy Even Be on iT?
What do You ThiNK?

And on AnY GiVeN Day of the WeeK... Barry Bonds will NeVer be BeTTar than Lou Gehrig!!! Just my Opinion... But it just seems ta me that This iS How ThiS List iS GoiN'...

PreWar Players are Slowly BeiN' Pushed ta the Back of the List... And Then Eventually ... OFF THeY Go!

"Just my 1st thoughts oN a FeW PreWar Players...
Shoeless" Joe Jackson(We All Know Who Joe iS!!!), "BiG" Ed Walsh (Holds the Lowest ERA of All Time, He WoN 40 Games iN 1908 ~His Team Only WoN 85 That Year!), NoT iN the ToP 100?

And Mike Piazza ahead of Cap Anson??? Are Ya KiddiN' me!?!?!
I grew uP a Mets fan...
But Mr Anson iS oN the Verge of BeiN Push'd OFF "The List!",
Because oF Players Like Mr Piazza... ThiS iS Just WronG!!!

Oh... And As MucH As I Like Greg Maddux I DoN'T ThiNK that He was Bettar than Cy Young, C'mon Man... Am I RiGHT... oR Am I RiGHT...?

So... What do You Guys Think about the This List and the WaY iTs DeVelopiN?

I Really Do WanT Ta Hear Logical Statistical RanTs iN Support of Our Past Dead Ball Era Players!!!
Who do Ya ThiNK iS MiSSiN'?
Where Should TheY Be Placed oN the Current LisT?

So Ladies & Gentlemen..." Bring Whatcha Ya GoT!!!"
Life's Grand,
Denny Walsh
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