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Old 01-01-2015, 10:56 AM
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mybuddyinc mybuddyinc is offline
S Gross
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Savannah, GA
Posts: 2,061

"why don't I seem to be able to find many auctions for low grade short prints?"

Answer: Because ebay has turned into a Buy it Now site. Doesn't matter T205, T206, or anything, look at the numbers. Just did a quick look at T205's. There are 2831 listings, of which, only 129 are auction format. That's less than 5% !!!!!!!!!! (Even a cynical old bum like me found that hard to believe). And of that 5%, probably well over half have a starting bid higher than reality would dictate.

Don't totally give up on ebay, but BST you will find better results. I know T205 doesn't get nearly the love of T206, but they're out there. Start a "Want/Looking For" BST thread (if you haven't already), and I guarantee you will have some level of success.

Good luck, great set, and doable, with time and patience.

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