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Old 12-21-2014, 12:05 PM
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Mike Rothstein
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: San Antonio
Posts: 181

Originally Posted by Huysmans View Post
Hey Mike, despite the usual consensus among collectors, I still find EBay to be great for amazing items and finds..... You just have to search a lot harder these days! 😁

And I have noticed a few subtle differences, though not necessarily between the generic and indoor versions themselves, but just in general. I could be wrong with these, and it would be great for Dr. Cooper to chime in with his expertise and provide clarity.

1. The boxes that came with the Indoor version to house the line-up cards, didn't come with the generic version. This could be to make the game more affordable, as the generic model seems to have been made as a cheaper alternative for contemporary consumers.

2. Only the indoor models have a patent pending listing without a patent date. This would again lend credence to the idea that the generic version came after the indoor, as a more moderately priced example.

3. I've seen examples of both versions... I'm pretty sure.... that were attached opposite. On my generic version, the spectators shown are at the hinge side of the board. I've seen at least two examples that I remember that were put together with the scoreboard end being at the side of the hinges, where the game folds shut and is attached.

Again, I definitely could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time. 😎
I'd love to hear if others have info or knowledge to share.
....otherwise, have a great day collecting!
Thanx Brent for the post!

I have only one contribution - on the generic version - the one I picked up did have the 2 "red" boxes that also came with the more attractive "indoor" game.

inside generic version:

Also, I believe Butch from the Game Forum believes that the patent applied for and patent date version can be found in the generic version of the game.
I'm gonna let him know of this discussion in case he misses it - the men at the front office have just about the most comprehensive knowledge on any game in general IMO.
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