Thread: Ebay Scammer
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Old 12-14-2014, 05:31 AM
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Aaron Rothschild
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by Armystrong7979 View Post
I'm trying to make it right on here just don't know how to
The easiest way to make it right would be to stop responding. You have to realize that this board does not respect you, does not like you and frankly, is not interested in helping you with anything.

You cannot make it right.

You made a terrible error by trying to commit fraud, you got caught and lied and lied and lied... Got massively aggressive with the people on this board and then lied and lied some more.

What it comes down to is that In this world there are consequences to actions, you claim to be a soldier so you should be aware of this fact. Sometimes those consequences are not what we wanted or expected but usually what we deserve.

In this case you just have to accept that the consequences of your actions mean that the potential buyers you tried to defraud wish you never existed and don't want anything to do with you.

That said, we all have lives, most of us very successful, happy and full lives. We are happy people who enjoy conversation about a common interest. It's actually a nice thing, so don't rip us cause you can't be happy. Don't try to rip us off cause you're jealous of the cards we can afford to buy, don't pretend to be someone you're not, we never do any of these things and it all seems to working out just fine.

One more thing, you're so fast to make a disparaging comparison to a "Nagging housewife" makes me think you don't like women and probably are abusive towards them... Those actions would be consistent with your character. Not cool man, really, just pretty lame.

So in the end, If you want us to leave you alone, get off of our playground, just take your cheating ass and go home.

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