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Old 11-17-2014, 12:43 PM
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Duluth Eskimo Duluth Eskimo is offline
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Originally Posted by RichardSimon View Post

This "fish" story reeks. The signature on that baseball is indicative of a modern, very poorly done, forgery. No way is it a clubhouse Ruth. And it does not appear to be a situation where that signature has been on the ball for 80 or 90 years, though I would not say that for certain without at least having the ball in hand.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. It looks like a modern forgery. The problem with people is that other people commenting need to show everyone they are right. In the end, who cares? He's not getting a buyer or validation from this board.

As for Scott, you're so smart. I wish I was as smart as you. I wish I could prove to everyone how smart I am. Unfortunately for me, I'm just a small fish and will have to swim in the small pool for ever and ever. Does that make you feel better and validate you more?
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