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Old 11-06-2014, 08:52 PM
MikeKam MikeKam is offline
Mike Kaminski
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Toronto
Posts: 501

Originally Posted by ATP View Post
I use the program but have been torn regarding opting out once. Pitney opened my package that I carefully packed, removed the bubble wrap, and repackaged it. When it arrived to canada, it was a framed autograph, the glass was broken of course. The buyer thought I had packed it that way, and was furious after what they had paid in shipping. On the other hand,I have had a couple things lost in foreign countries at customs (or the buyer was untruthful) and it does remove some of that stress and dealing with any special customs forms.

Something I have been meaning to ask and Is somewhat relevant in this thread. Can someone from canada or another country confirm whether or not some of the charges that are paid for shipping in the GSP program include the custom import taxes based on the selling price, or do those still have to be paid separately?
For me, when I purchase something with the GSP, I pay a shipping price + customs charge. Usually the shipping price starts from $17ish dollar no matter the item. I personally have never been double charged on customs, but have heard of it happening to others.

As mentioned in my OP, I don't understand why they feel the need to look through the contents of every package. They literally do a TERRIBLE job repackaging it. I've had this photo ripped, and many more examples of opened boxes/envelopes with contents exposed.
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