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Old 11-04-2014, 10:33 AM
sb1 sb1 is offline
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Originally Posted by barrysloate View Post
I voted for the REA method, but something needs to be implemented so that bidders cannot wait until 3:00 AM to put in their first bids. If you don't bid by a certain time, you would be disqualified.

I know some bidders insist on having the chance to bid at the very end, but the only way to actually do that is to outbid everyone else. You can bid at 3:30 but if it is not high enough, you will get topped at 3:32. Just bid the highest, and everything else will work out.
Actually this did not work for me in the last one. I logged in at 3:31 and the lot was closed, at 3:30 am EST, the auction had ended. I was not able to bid again( i had several priors on the lot), had the auction ended earlier lot by lot I can assure you I would have gotten my bid in and won. I attempted to out wait the other bidders and it cost me, the AH and the consignor.
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