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Old 10-28-2014, 08:01 PM
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Tabe Tabe is offline
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Location: Spokane, WA
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Originally Posted by jimivintage View Post
One morning before school, we had a building meeting to talk about ideas on what to do with a couple of rooms not being utilized. There was a group of 15 teachers or so. About 10 minutes into the meeting, out in the hallway, a teacher comes traipsing in late and walks right by us and heads to her room. On our tour of the building, one of the rooms we went to was hers. LOL We were there for about 5 minutes to talk about structural things while the teacher worked on getting her room ready for the day. Mind you, she was supposed to be in this meeting.

Anyway, later on in the day, I tried to joke with her about missing the meeting (not that it was a super important meeting as it wasn't mandatory), but she looks right at me and says, "I was at the meeting!" I just stared at her, and tried to laugh, but she was serious! She walked past our meeting and we went to her room and saw her there. Huh?!?!?!

Seriously, why lie??
Some people are pathological liars. My niece is one, for example. She would lie about anything and everything - for no apparent reason. She would lie when the truth was easier and would benefit her. Having her live with us for awhile was quite the experience. It literally makes you question your own sanity after awhile.
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