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Old 10-15-2014, 02:25 PM
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1880nonsports 1880nonsports is offline
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Default the hobby dying

and prices dropping while sharing common elements and dependencies are two different things. Price fluctuations and availabilty are each a function of the other after the imact of an economy. I think the hobby as a tangent of all collectibles will go on forever as beyond being a commodity cards are a somwhat tangible piece of the past. I doubt card collecting will ever approach the levels of the cash rich 1980's and 1990's nor the level of interest it received as a new investment concept. It was an explosive time - selling was about the sizzle AND the steak. Enough time and a few reality checks have precipitated in the OVERALL decline of the prices we are experiencing in all but the finest material and whatever specific issues are "hot" at the moment.
Lower prices at some point restricts cards from coming to the market so it's a good thing/ bad thing for me as a collector. As a dealer - at least in theory - one's buying is dictated by the availabilty of the product their customers will pay for.
The hobby isn't dying - just experiencing a correction. I do see it becoming a smaller hobby - perhaps mirroring the journey of stamps and coins. Cards, coins, bottle-caps, and similar things from pre-hyper-technological times were more of an activity for the participants - more relevent as well.
Please feel free to provide me with details when and if the end comes as I'll want to let the person holding my N167 Buffalo Bill know. In any event I suppose I'll continue to collect until the question of my demise is broached. Hopefully not on a thread in a chat board The best thing about having a lot of people doing the same thing you are is you feel less stupid but it also makes the room crowded.
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