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Old 10-15-2014, 08:49 AM
hcv123 hcv123 is online now
Howard Chasser
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: NY
Posts: 3,448

Originally Posted by Leon View Post
Hi Howard
As someone who is also often ridiculed by Nash, for no reason ever while in the hobby...except his exaggerated lies, I would like to say a few things. First of all REA is an advertiser here and Rob L is a hobby friend. That doesn't change what I am about to say though. You continually claim you have your doubts about the fake poster being Nash, I couldn't disagree with you more. In my mind it is a 99% probability it is Nash. Could I be wrong, maybe....but I absolutely don't think so. My sources tell me that Nash reads this board a lot too. There is almost no doubt in my mind that Nash has been on the board and kicked off on more than one occasion, due to fake registration information. My guess is that he is on the board now as an impostor. For the record, if Peter Nash wants to come on this board and post, as himself, he is more than welcome to. No editing, no censorship, nothing....except to remain civil. This is an open invitation for Peter to come on the board but only as himself. If he is always telling the truth and a good guy then this should be freaking great. An open invitation to join in our discussions.

Secondly, telling REA to start of forum is idiocy. They run an auction. This is a mature sports card and memorabilia hobby forum, is quite large in nature, very open and is made for exactly this kind of discussion. You have been on this board long enough and should really already know that, imo. Thanks for your time.....LL
Hi Leon,

I consider myself an objective 3rd party here. I have no loyalty to anyone involved. I have done business with REA as buyer and seller and am satisfied with my experience as both. I have never met nor have any relationship with Nash - have found some of what he has published valuable, disturbing and a darker side of my hobby that I appreciate being aware of. I also read what is his with caution because I have seen the frequent mixing of exaggeration with facts. I don't know you either - have great respect and appreciation for your creation and moderation of this board - a truly incredible hobby resource.
A point of information - I have not "continually" claimed I have my doubts about the fake poster being Nash - I stated I have not seen or heard anything in this or other threads that leads me so quickly to that conclusion. Could it be - ABSOLUTELY. When there is some amount of evidence other than opinion I will be at the front of the list of people suggesting Nash to "man up" and post as himself or keep his mouth shut. I also wouldn't be "shocked" if it were him nor that he is on here.
What I highlighted in my previous post is what I understand to be the facts - there was a post made with some accusations by someone who used a bogus registration (to me if it was Nash or not is almost irrelevant). The response that Rob made 1) didn't address the accusation(s) at all, 2) responded with an assumption and commentary on who made the post that sidesteps the accusation(s). I would appreciate hearing facts relevant to the accusation - not facts to discredit the possible accuser. REA IS an auction house. Rob Lifson is a PERSON who posted who happens to own the REA auction house - I believe he is as entitled as anyone else according to the rules of this forum to raise questions, state facts, complain about his experience with Nash or anyone else for that matter, etc. as long as he keeps it civil - why the suggestion of that seems like "idiocy" to you is a bit puzzling to me.....but you too are entitled to your opinion.

Thank you for this board and the opportunity to have this and many other dialogues and posts that I have been a part of, learned from, and shared in.

Also want to add that while in my opinion there are huge and serious lies and unanswered questions about Halper and what has been disclosed about him by Nash, I agree it is a large jump to claim he commissioned
or orchestrated thefts of memorabilia.

Last edited by hcv123; 10-15-2014 at 09:01 AM.
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