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Old 10-07-2014, 06:13 PM
tschock tschock is offline
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
And it should be a huge concern. But there are literally millions of other aspects to look at too. Do you want to be the resident next door to the chemical company that just accidentally released a plume of toxic fumes because some process operator decided he wanted to get high 30 minutes before his shift and opened the wrong valve? Do you want to be a passenger on that cruise ship or jet airplane whose captain just lit one up before taking the wheel? Do you want to be standing anywhere around that high rise crane suspending a huge piece of equipment and he drops it because the lift operator decided he wanted to spark one up on his lunch break?
What does legality have to do with qualification? It's illegal to pilot a ship while drunk, yet drinking is legal. It's illegal to pilot a plane within a certain time period of your last drink, yet drinking is legal. And people still break those laws as well.

Is your implication with this is that if it became LEGAL to smoke weed, it would be legal to do all of the what you mentioned while high??? Or are you concerned that people will break the laws of being high while flying/piloting/operating machinery/etc, since of course, they don't break the laws when using alcohol??? That argument is just illogical, if not downright silly.
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