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Old 10-03-2014, 07:20 AM
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HalChaseCollector HalChaseCollector is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 39

As someone who is 1/2 Native American I feel that I can speak comfortably on this issue. Until the recent uproar I did not really have a big problem with the team name redskins. It was just a name, why did it matter? But then my grandmother explained to me that when she was growing up kids would verbally abuse her and redskin was one of the insults they threw at her. I find it offensive as part of the Native American culture when redskin fans dress up with feathers on their head and red paint on their face. Change it to something that doesn't have a negative connotation. Do it like Florida state and have real native Americans at the games representing their culture.
"I am an outcast, and I haven't a good name. I'm the loser, just like all gamblers are. I lived to make great plays. What did I gain? Nothing. Everything was lost because I raised hell after hours. I was a wise guy, a know-it-all, I guess."
-Hal Chase
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