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Old 10-02-2014, 02:05 PM
shammus shammus is offline
Brian McQueen
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Olathe, KS
Posts: 2,231
Default BST Etiquette - friendly reminder on a few rules...

The past few weeks, I've been spending time almost every day responding to "Reported Posts" and other inquiries about rules being broken in the BST area. So I thought I'd take the time to remind everyone about a few of our guidelines for this section -

1.) Please no more than 3-4 threads at one time on the first page. We want everyone to have a fair chance to have their cards/requests listed in the most visible locations.

2.) Please don’t bump your thread more than once every 3-4 days. Again, we just want everyone to have a chance to have their threads seen.

** Regarding rules 1 and 2, I have had to delete several posts lately when I’ve seen that people are ignoring these two rules. I really don’t want to have to be deleting or consolidating anyone’s threads so please remember to keep your fellow board members in mind when posting/bumping in BST.

3.) Only persons involved in a potential transaction should be responding to a BST post, however benign or favorable comments are generally permitted by third parties. Here is an example of the type of commentary that I'm seeing more and more of which is NOT permitted.

- seller lists a Cal Ripken PSA 5 rookie for $100
- someone responds and says "But you can get a PSA 6 at such-and-such location for $25 cheaper!..."

Or another one…

- “Is that price a typo??”

These sort of responses are against the rules. If you feel you need to contact the individual about the price, please utilize our "Private Message" feature to contact them discreetly. Any response to a listing that is critical/negative in nature or otherwise interferes in a potential transaction is against the rules on the board. The only exception here is if the item in question is fake, grossly misrepresented or any other situation where fraud may be a concern. Aside from those extremes, this sort of communication needs to be handled privately moving forward.

Thanks all, much appreciated!

Last edited by shammus; 10-02-2014 at 02:09 PM.
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