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Old 10-01-2014, 06:17 PM
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irishdenny irishdenny is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Honestly... Is this True?
That by Collecting Police Gazette's of Christy Mathewson...
Some People believe that I am Encouraging Other's to Cut uP Magazine's?

Can this really be true?

I am Not at All trying to be antagonistic... My point is, Could this be an era related mentality? I didn't think fir a moment that the Collecting of the Gazette's would cause me to think anything other than, "I'm Glad that these were preserved by those who came before me!

As a Collector, iT iS My duty to do everything I can to preserve these Artifacts.
I wonder now if there were those who took issue with the dismantling of an Old Police Gazette's?

Oh, and Not that I don't care... it's just that the world is so full of Politics'. The reason why I come here is leave that All behind. iN the Past year I have been intrigued by the Magazine ad's of Baseball's past! ie Tuxedo, Tabaco, etc... I've been looking to purchase some of the Magazine's. Never gave it a thought that I would pull the ads out. I picked up a couple and have been reading them for the Nostalgia...

"Now I have to worry about the Political Magazine Police"

Just ta Note: The only Mathewson Police Gazette that I presently own iS one iN which there is No writing oN the Top of the Page, which means that it was issued at the end of the year by the Company within a set.
Not takiN' from the Magazine!

No Worries...
Life's Grand,
Denny Walsh

Last edited by irishdenny; 10-01-2014 at 06:18 PM.
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