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Old 09-04-2014, 10:38 AM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Originally Posted by ctownboy View Post
Uh, no.

If people who haven't seen Dunn play for a long period of time can come on this board and slobber all over his big, overweight butt then I can come on here and tell the other side of the story.

The story about fans having to put up with his horrible defense, his station to station baserunning ability, his failure to hit the ball to the opposite field, his failure to drive in runs in key situations, his 30% strike out rate, his failure to get into shape and stay in shape, his failure to work on his game over the Winter, his going into the tank EVERY September.

For those espousing Dunn for the Hall Of Fame, I would like to know how many have actually watched him over an entire season? I would like to know how many have seen him be totally inept at the plate for an entire month, then get hot for two weeks and then be inept for another entire month.

I spent my money going to Reds games when he played for Cincinnati and all I saw was an overweight oaf who lumbered around in the outfield and who struck out on called third strikes with runners on or in scoring position. He struck out on those pitches because they were over the outer third of the plate and he was too stubborn to stop swinging for the fences, trying to pull the ball for a home run.

So for every Dunn butt kisser, I want to know how many times YOU have actually seen him play? I will tell you, the more you do, the worse he gets and the more it will bother you that he is paid millions of dollars to be the fraternity class clown.

Nice post, David. It illustrates that there really is some value in having a good personality.
$co++ Forre$+
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