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Old 08-29-2014, 08:37 PM
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Mountaineer1999 Mountaineer1999 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 965

Damn, You guys are a tough crowd. Cognitively challenged? I had to look that one up. I don't think anyone believes Pete Rose, we supporters just know what he did for the game and how he played the game. Most feel he has served a penalty and should be allowed back. Put him on the ballot and let HOF voters decide, if they say no then it's no. The commissioners office has had a steroids supporting , turn the other cheek because it's making us Money, moron in there for the past 20 something years. Maybe all these cheating steroid users should be banned from the game because they certainly tainted the outcome of games.

Last edited by Mountaineer1999; 08-29-2014 at 08:39 PM.
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