Thread: Mastro/Allen
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Old 08-15-2014, 02:21 PM
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Howard Chasser
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Default A set up in the thought

Originally Posted by Runscott View Post
That's something worth contemplating. Not commenting on their crimes, but I spent a great evening at the National, along with several other collector friends, talking with Doug and Mark over drinks. Yes, Doug was extremely likable. I have to admit - that time was assuredly more enjoyable than it would have been spending it talking with a very honest asshole.

If you frame the options as a likeable con man or an honest asshole, you've truly set yourself up for a tough outcome and left out the possibility of a likeable honest person and of course the worst - a dishonest asshole!

That all said - many people who commit illegal acts are not (imo) bad people, just make some ridiculously poor decisions from a selfish, fearful or angry place. Unfortunately on the other side of those decisions are the people who have been victimized.
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