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Old 07-26-2014, 08:08 PM
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Leon Leon is offline
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Thanks for all of the feedback. First things first. I am going to get with Troy and have him look into the payment he says he sent on May 9th. It is still an open invoice and was never paid. It is provable so that isn't an issue. Between May 4th and May 11th I received no money from anyone. If Troy, Jeff, John or anyone else wants to see my paypal account I will gladly change the password, have us login, then change it back, to prove it. Also, if anyone doesn't know, once an invoice is paid you can't send a reminder, that option goes away. After that, we can go from there....I don't think Troy is a bad guy but some things are still not explainable. I mean, if I got 3 reminders, a phone call and an email, to something I already paid, I would go ahead and let that person know it was paid and show them where I paid. But that is just me. I understand Troy has had some personal family issues so I do understand how these things can take a back seat to more important things in life. Also, for the record the Saco banner was up until the 15th of this month....but with at least 5 attempts at getting payment, but to no avail, I had Brian take it down. I have those emails too....Thanks to thosee who believed me. Every single thing I said is true and I will gladly prove it to anyone and everyone.

ps...all of the other payments were made and verified......though a few took a few days to post..and I am going to lock this thread while Troy and I get this worked out. After that I might move it to another area because I don't think anything was done intentionally......
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 07-26-2014 at 08:35 PM.