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Old 07-17-2014, 01:47 PM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Originally Posted by bn2cardz View Post
From my point of view, Leon was just pointing out that Sean never said he was a collector. Reading his website I would find it hard to believe that Sean is a collector:

Originally Posted by
"As an investor it’s also important to remember why one is buying cards. The investment and profit always has to be the goal. Get too strung up with a particular card out of personal want and attachment, and the point of investment disappears. Then a person goes from being disconnected and focused on profit, to being connected and focused on collecting for personal satisfaction. The latter can easily turn a profit into a loss with the illusory justification that the card will still be worth a lot when it is let go. Good investors don’t have those conversations with themselves; they buy and sell vintage baseball cards coldly and dispassionately."

Nothing wrong with Sean, but he makes it clear to me that baseball cards are only an investment to him. Nothing wrong with that, but I wouldn't consider him a collector any more than a stock broker is a collector of stocks.
I've read that (from Sean) before, and I find it kind of an odd statement. When you choose to invest in baseball cards, especially when it's spread out over quite a few of them, there has to be somewhat of a passion for the hobby. Perhaps he isn't a collector in terms of building permanent collections, but he's at least a 'temporary' collector. Without the passion, you don't acquire enough knowledge to make the investments work. Just my thoughts - I'm sure there are many here who think they can do what Sean describes, without any passion for the hobby. But I think they are fooling themselves.
$co++ Forre$+
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