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Old 07-09-2014, 01:19 PM
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Default My interpretation only.


Originally Posted by ZachS View Post
I'm leaning toward the opinion that Miller may have been 1 in the group of 4 found in 1983 along with Leon's Weaver and the PSA 3 Blackburne that had glue removed from the back.
That would make the most sense to me, as my statement of "Miller being between Lange and the LA find" was based on various forum posts dated between the two, and implying that one had been buried in an long-time collector's goup of T207s (and recently discovered). That said, it did not imply that it was not in the early find - I made that distinction myself.

The other aspect was my recollection of the statements about the early find. I don't have access to resources right now, but recall - and it is my recollection only - that it contained all White Sox cards, and was not just Chicago cards. My memory isn't what it once was, so I may be way off base.

FWIW, Old Cardboard has it both ways:

Until four T207 Red Cross cards were auctioned by hobby veteran Lew Lipset some two decades ago, the T207 Red Cross backs were unknown to the hobby. Three of these cards were for players Russell Blackburne, Ward Miller and George "Buck" Weaver. After checking with Lew and several long-time T207 set collectors, we were unable to identify the fourth player from the early discovery. If any of our readers can confirm the identity of the player that fourth card, please do so and we will update the set checklist on the Old Cardboard website accordingly.
Interestingly, the origins of all but one of the Red-Cross-back cards can be traced directly back to Louisiana, where they were no doubt first distributed. Curiously, all of the known players from the previous discoveries were for Chicago White Sox players ....
Also, just found this reference from one of the previous incarnations of the old forums:

Apparently, even in early 2007, there was knowledge about (or contention of) 6 separate Red Cross backed cards, though there is the same glossing over of Chicago vs WhiteSox even then, as clearly Ward Miller was a Cubbie.

All that said, there seems to be a lot of re-quoting and reading in to what was said/written/recalled (and I'm equally guilty), so going back to the source(s) seems appropriate, if at all possible. At least we now know for certain its not just WhiteSox.

Still, 13 or 14 cards, either way its a small number, and we have other open items:
  • The RedCross/LA connection is a tantalizing curiousity worth investigation
  • as far as anyone knows - the RedCross <-> Broadleaf class alignment still holds.

Now if you want to talk Anonymous cards (i.e. Fac 3), that's another can of worms...


Last edited by frohme; 07-09-2014 at 01:20 PM. Reason: Fix date
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