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Old 07-09-2014, 11:55 AM
bender07 bender07 is offline
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Originally Posted by itjclarke View Post
Anyway, back to the steroid era, something that really bothers me is that MLB, its owners, and gutless commissioner profited greatly, and still do to this day. However they receive very little scrutiny over the era and how it unfolded. The public responsibility seems to fall squarely on the shoulders of players... and inordanitely on Bonds', Clemens' shoulders, as compared to loveable types like Big Papi and others. If Selig (see no evil, hear no evil as long a profits are coming in, or as long as Henry Aaron's record is not in jeopardy) is eventually enshrined in Cooperstown, I'll vomit. IMO, he and baseball should bare far more criticism for not taking any true steps to fight proliferation of steroids until long after public and governemnt sentiment demanded they do so.
Boom! Agreed. Why do we celebrate Torre and Larussa getting into the HOF so easily when they directly benefited from having players on their teams on PEDs? Whether they knew or not (yeah right), their WS and win totals are directly related to roided up players.
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