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Old 07-06-2014, 03:04 AM
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MattyC MattyC is offline
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With regard to the slight and implication on Griffey above... I think that's one heck of an unfair leap-- with no hard evidence-- to besmirch such a great player. Talent, hard work, and advances in training, nutrition, and sports medicine can also lead to high achievement. Some fans see PED use behind so many players. What about guys like Koufax or Molitor who had seemingly anomalous spikes in performance; perhaps they found some miracle edge, as well? I just think it makes no sense to sweepingly blanket-erase everyone from an entire era. I surmise by the same logic that Boggs juiced in 87 as well, and the list of boogeymen can go on. And I'm not even a Griffey fan. I think it really hamstrings one's credibility, if one is willing to besmirch a player based merely on being present and doing well in that era. If that's all the criteria it takes to be branded a PED user...

Last edited by MattyC; 07-06-2014 at 03:17 AM.
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