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Old 06-27-2014, 08:27 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
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Originally Posted by thehoodedcoder View Post
Lets take it even a step further. What if the software had the ability to install malware to your computer to serve advertising. It is only on the auction house to determine if they want to infect your computer with unwanted advertising. It is offered in the auction software, but the auction house gets to chose whether they use it or not? Does that sound like a good idea? I mean, its the responsibility of the auction house on what they do, and who they do business with after all right?

You mean like Ebay which is infested with ads from and whatever the new one is I ran across yesterday?

Or like Facebook?
Or like ...........the majority of large commercial websites? (It's always amusing when the ads are for their competitors)

It's annoying, but from what I see out there it's probably not hurting business much.

All software has flaws and security holes. That's the sort of thing that happens with overly complex systems. But my opinions about software in general don't really belong here.

Steve B
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