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Old 06-18-2014, 07:38 PM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Originally Posted by earlywynnfan View Post
You know, as one of those grudges, I'm really angry about this post. How do you know I'm old?? Sure, I'm at the far end of middle age, and I have the back of an 80-year old, and I take way too many bathroom breaks through the night, and I can't stand the music these kids listen to these days, and...

Disregard. I'm old.
Since I never could take a punch anyways, I'm just going to plan on being part of a happy new friendship.


PS: The river burned 40 years ago, so those jokes are passe. We are a new, improved Cleveland. Please keep all jokes fresh. Suggestions: the Browns, the Cavs, Manziel, midges, or the Cleveland Public School System. (OK, that last one has also been a joke for 40 years.)
Thanks, Ken - I look forward to meeting you. I wasn't actually poking fun at the burning river thing - I just couldn't remember what that area was called. When I first visited Cleveland (to see a ballgame at the old gigantic stadium), they had fixed up that new area and there were still a lot of references to the river.

Manziel could very well be the new Cleveland joke, but since I went to the same school he did, whatever he does to embarrass Cleveland will further embarrass myself and Texas A&M as well.
$co++ Forre$+
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