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Old 05-24-2014, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by 2dueces View Post
Let me understand this whole flip-flap because since I'm in the minority and not yet a physiatrist, I'm a little slow. The majority of the board has it's panties in a twist because of a tiny piece of paper in a flip that has no value. It protects the card that you bought to look at. You bought the card right? The card? Ok. So I was unaware that the majority of board members suffers from the same serious case of OCD that Sheldon has. I apologize for not being more sympathic. I think we have too many lawyers on the board and not enough Health professionals.

BTW. Above post is all in fun and meant to try to get a rise out of the majority. But I still say, Just let it go.
Since you don't seem to care, and that's fine, maybe you should take your own advice and let it go? Just a thought.

Dan Hicks

Last edited by Gobucsmagic74; 05-24-2014 at 04:24 PM. Reason: added name
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