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Old 05-14-2014, 06:11 PM
JoeyF1981 JoeyF1981 is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 609

Originally Posted by billyb View Post
Make a complete list of your stolen items, describe the photos and watches the very best you can, any engravings. If your photos had any particular damage marks, anything that would separate your photo with a similar one. That goes on the list also. Make copies, the police will need a copy. Insurance company also needs a copy.
Call all pawn shops asap, and sport shops, in your area.
90 percent of the time, it is someone nearby, that knows your routine, or someone you know.
Time is a factor.
I have been in law enforcement for over 40 years, please give as detailed a descriptions as you can.
When they enter your stole items in the computers, these details or marks, corners missing, anything, will stand out. It is almost as good as a serial number.

Thanks bill...the thing that sucks is I only have scans of a few of my photos. I had 5 albums full of vintage photos so its going to be difficult. But like you said Ill just give them as much info as i know and see what happens. Hoping for the best.
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