Thread: On the easel...
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Old 04-17-2014, 10:11 PM
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Graig Kreindler
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 1,421

Hey all,

Hope this post finds everyone well and happy. Please excuse the flowery paragraph that follows.

As I write this, I just came home from my birthday dinner at Katz's Deli, so I don't think I'm getting out of this chair anytime soon (you try moving after having one of their matzoh balls and a corned beef sandwich in your belly). I'm officially 34-years old, and like I seem to do on every birthday, was thinking about the things I've been grateful for in the past year. I still thinking about the first time I came onto this board - I was invited by Jimmy C (kingofclout, we miss you). I was 29 then, and still just really starting off in my career and in many ways, my life. It seems like since then, this board has been an absolute haven for me. Not only have I been able to show my work here, but it's just been super easy to find myself lost in a thread, pulling me away from whatever drudgeries were going on in 'real' life at the time. In essence, you guys have been amazing to me in every single way. I REALLY couldn't feel more blessed. Thank you.

I also got a painting back from the photographers today:

Mickey Mantle, September 14, 1961, 24" x 30"

And I thought I'd show some of the in-progress things I have going on right now. Some of them are obviously closer to completion than others, so you might have to use your imagination a bit. Also, please excuse my photography. Though I tried to keep everything sharp, there still seems to be a lot of glare on the right side of the images (closest to the window and all).

Cap Anson, 1888, 11" x 14"

Ed Delahanty, 1903, 22" x 34"

Christy Mathewson, June 5, 1907, 30" x 40"

Rube Marquard, 1912, 20" x 24"

Babe Ruth, October 6, 1915, 34" x 40"

Lou Gehrig, 1923, 16" x 20"

Rogers Hornsby, 1929, 30" x 32"

Lou Gehrig & Babe Ruth, 1931, 24" x 31"

Anywho, I hope I'm not spinning any wheels here in posting this stuff, and hopefully you continue to enjoy it. As per usual, if you have any questions, comments, critiques or something of the sort, I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for being AWESOME!


Last edited by GKreindler; 04-17-2014 at 10:21 PM.
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