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Old 04-12-2014, 07:02 AM
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Rick McQuillan
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 3,178
Default Sort facility

As a current Postal employee, this kind of thing drives me nuts. 99.9% of our packages are delivered on time to the correct destination, but there is that .1% that seems to fall into a black hole for a week or two. We see a scan that says "departed sort facility at xxxxx", then - nothing. I feel helpless because there is nothing I can do as a Postmaster to help my customer. So, I check on the package every day and then a week later, or two weeks later, the package arrives at the destination Post Office and gets delivered. Where has it been for two weeks and why wasn't it scanned somewhere along the line?

It seems that the smaller first class packages move through the system pretty quickly and the delays are mostly Priority Mail packages. Overall, the system works well, especially considering that we ship over a million packages a day. I wish I could find out why a small percentage of these packages just seem to evaporate and then reappear again.

I am willing to try to help anyone who is having problems with their packages, but I am at a medium sized PO out in the boonies and in many cases there isn't much that I can do. If you need help, send me an email and I will see what I can do.

Rick McQuillan

T213-2 139 down 46 to go.
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