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Old 03-29-2014, 07:04 AM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by gregmorris818 View Post
I am very disappointed and upset to read the comments this evening suggesting that I am engaging in shill bidding. This is absolutely false. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this issue with anyone who would like to contact me directly. I can be reached at 818.517.1612 or I have detailed back-up information that I can provide upon request demonstrating that the individual in question is not a shill bidder. It seems inappropriate to post information about a specific individual in this public forum, which is why I request that interested individuals contact me directly so we can speak.
30-Day Summary
Total bids: 3727
Items bid on: 719
Bid activity (%) with this seller: 95% Help
Bid retractions: 25
Bid retractions (6 months): 184
I see the bidder has retracted the bid from the auction in question. I for one would love to hear an explanation for the above bidding pattern if it is not a shill account. Let me also add at this point I am not calling you a shiller. The problem I see is when I pull up your completed auctions and go through bid histories there are several accounts with the same type of bid history as the one shown.
I also understand from PM's from other members this is a new thing in your auctions. If you do not want to answer were everyone can see your explanation please PM me.
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