Thread: On the easel...
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Old 03-28-2014, 12:51 PM
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Frozen in Time Frozen in Time is offline
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Originally Posted by GKreindler View Post
Thanks a lot, Scott. I'm pretty happy with it too. I'll be excited to get it photographed.

Speaking of whom, this one's just about ready to go to them, too. And that also makes me happy.

It might sound strange, but getting paintings out of the studio and to the photographers is a pretty satisfying experience. It's probably because once they're photographed, I can add them to my portfolio properly. So, in essence, the joy is in building a body of work.

Anywho, I'm rambling.

I am wondering though, do you guys care whether I post in-progress stuff on here? Usually I just limit it to finished and photographed work these days, but all of the sudden, I've been into putting up these things at different points of the journey.

As usual, thoughts are appreciated.


Great to see the finished product, as I already mentioned - Spectacular!!! So much so that I've been yelling "Hey Mick" at the screen and waiting for him to turn his head to the left and at least acknowledge me!!!

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