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Old 03-27-2014, 02:48 PM
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Shawn England
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Dawsonville, Ga
Posts: 643

Originally Posted by wonkaticket View Post
Shawn, not trying to corner you but you seem to have some "stones" if you will. Since everyone else seems to ignore this question perhaps you can answer?

If what was done by Dick and others that results in cards just like the Plank posted is no big deal in our hobby. Why asked now many times is it not mentioned with pride at the time of sale and hidden from TPGs?

I actually would enjoy hearing your POV on the above question since you seem to be in the camp that what Dick does is not a big deal.



No "cornering" felt Bare with me - it may take a few post before I answer your question. I am not real sure about the angle you are taking with the question?

First attempt: If you feel that "revealing" who the person is that conserved, cleaned, "their term", "your term" the card, all of the sudden justifies or validates the practice I am going to call BS... I collect all kinds of things of which include furniture, paintings etc.. Some things do come with a disclosure as to who, what, where for the restoration and while there are many reputable folks that do these things - I am going to say that for the most part it is not bragged about as to who did the work. There is a place here in town that has been in business for close to 100 years that does anything from framing to very detailed restorations and even have some of their work at the Hall of Fame. They will tell you - there biggest promoter is word of mouth. They cannot stick stickers etc. to a lot of these items and I don't think they want to. Do these folks at the shop feel guilty for what they do? No. Do they assume their client feels guilty for hiring them to restore X? No. You assuming something wrong is occurring because there is a closed door and no one is running out announcing "hey I just had my card restored" makes me feel like you have something to hide.

By the way, this shop has an amazing reputation and from my experience has an open door policy - But be advised, it scared the shit out of me seeing the state of some of the items they were restoring, caused by their own hand! Scraping paint? or what ever they were doing...

I will say that a poor restoration job on a lot of items will bring down the price of most things, a good restoration job will bring the price up - in my experience - who the restorer is - does not have a bearing on the price. My one caveat on this is that I think folks who deal in motorcycles & cars will sometimes pay a premium based on who did the restoration.

I liken some of what your saying to my Son coming up to me and telling me ("dad, I just shot and killed an Eagle with my pellet gun, I did not want to get in trouble so I came and told you the truth"). This is wear I say "Son, you did the right thing by telling me the truth, but telling the truth does not make it right". "Now your grounded for a damn year go to your room". This is an extreme example But hopefully I make my point.? That is, you seem like you would have no problem if all was revealed and I question that.

I do not separate what you have had done to your cards (which you did not mention who removed those cards for you) from what other people had Dick do to theirs. I am a purest - leave it alone!

I am getting bombarded here at work - so please bare with me in regards to grammar and continuity...

Last edited by smokelessjoe; 03-27-2014 at 02:55 PM.
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