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Old 03-23-2014, 10:54 AM
sniffy5 sniffy5 is offline
Tom Prince
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Blue Point, NY
Posts: 197

Yep. I agree with the money situation. It helps tremendously. But the time comes where a person will be SOL if he or she is looking for a certain card, especially in a certain grade. I can track down the highest graded Keating, call it a Psa 7, let's say. And I can wave $8000 at the owner. The man is a millionaire many times over. One of the top 2 Psa sets is owned by the guy who owns the Pittsburgh Steelers, and lord knows what else. He laughs at my $8000 (which I don't have that kind of discretionary income anyway). Besides, no one wants to break up a set, not even us little guys.

As for the crossovers without retiring labels, which I'm sure has been discussed countless times on the forum, it is prevalent to the third power with the 1914's. The population numbers are inflated. I can vouch for that. Obvious point, it's true...but when a card till only has a Psa pop of 12, and it has been inflated, that is one scarce card.
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