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Old 03-15-2014, 07:34 PM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Sorry about that. Still, they put together a movie by editing together bits and pieces of footage that was intended for the television series. The outfits were great, as was the cinematography. I just didn't think the Jesus character was realistic, and I don't think any of his disciples would have hooked up with a character like this. The best example I can give to explain my thoughts: if you think about the 'last supper' scene in this movie, versus the one in Mel Gibson's version, there is a huge attitude difference on the part of Jesus. But who knows?

Just to be very clear - I am a Christian an watch any movie I can that centers around Christ's life. But, as in 'Taladega Nights', we all have our own personal Jesus, and mine isn't the one in 'Son of God'. The reality is that none of us really know what the historical Jesus was like - we rely on our own imagination, based on the Bible, and the folks who produce these movies do the same.
$co++ Forre$+
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