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Old 02-08-2014, 05:22 PM
Sunny Sunny is offline
Rob.ert Fra.ser
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 61

Originally Posted by bigtrain View Post
Interesting that Mr. Nash posts an "Editor's Note" explaining that he has been involved in lawsuits with Fraser, Lifson and REA but fails to point out that those parties have huge civil judgments against him, judgments that, I presume, are based on his fraud and therefore cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. No ax to grind there.
You are correct The Fraser’s Judgment and Lifson’s Judgment against Nash are grounded in fraud so therefore the Judgments cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. Fraser’s Judgment collect 8.5% interest and Lifson’s 10%. Peter Nash has a minority interest in the McGreevy’s bar in Boston and Lifson collects all of Nash’s money from the bar which amounts to approximately $50,000 per year. It’s too bad that Nash doesn’t own more of the bar. I was told by Bekim Laiqi that Nash owed one of Bekim’s cousin’s approximately $50,000 back in 2008 so Nash sold 10% of his interest in the bar for $75,000 to pay off this debt. John Iannuzzi an FBI Agent told me it’s not wise to borrow money from the Albanians. John Iannuzzi is an FBI agent that called me a few times asking me questions about Peter Nash. This same FBI agent told me Nash is trying to save himself with this Hauls of Shame website. As an interesting note FBI agent Iannuzzi told me Peter Nash hung up the phone on him.

Last edited by Sunny; 02-08-2014 at 05:28 PM.
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