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Old 01-14-2014, 01:27 PM
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David R
Join Date: May 2009
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 349

Originally Posted by wonkaticket View Post
I’ll go on record and say this. I think Peter has some good articles and some of them are credible or based loosely in fact.

With that said Peter himself is a fraudster and has mountains of legal troubles from being accused of selling fake merchandise, creating fake merchandise, threats on other collectors, owing people lots of money, outstanding warrants and legal matters etc.

His whole website really came about hot and heavy with these “investigative” articles after he was knee deep in all the above. The website has been little more than a smoke screen to draw attention away from his own issues and to slam those who have issue with him via his own forum. All of this is of course done under the banner of hobby white knight and savior.

While I wouldn’t disagree with Jerry Sandusky that one should keep an eye on their kids and that child molesters are really bad people I wouldn’t rush to read Jerry’s daily blog pointing fingers either.

I will issue a public challenge to Peter Nash since I know he reads this board and calls me a Lifson cheerleader. If Peter is willing to acknowledge and answer publicly the very well know claims about his past and present, I would be willing to be more receptive to his website….in fact I might even join his cause.

However until the man takes responsibility for his role in hobby fraud or at least addresses it vs. pleading the fifth at every turn I will continue to consider him a fraudster with a website and an axe to grind.

Thanks John. I appreciate the explanation.
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