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Old 01-13-2014, 03:42 PM
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Tabe Tabe is offline
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Originally Posted by z28jd View Post
Since PEDs were brought up, does anyone else wonder how every other major sport has almost no issues compared to MLB, yet MLB is the one that gets killed because they tried to clean up the sport? Why is it that people have no problem watching football and all these crazy things happen with huge humans doing ridiculous things and NO ONE cares. No one in their right mind can believe the NFL cracks down on players with the size they are and punishment they take.
It's a couple things:

1) The NFL routinely busts guys and suspends them. It happens often enough that people are used to it and there's not a lot of drama surrounding it for the most part.

2) The NFL and its fans aren't as stats-driven as MLB and its fans. The magic numbers MEAN something to baseball fans. To football fans? Not so much. What's the record for receiving yards? Pass attempts? Sacks? Most fans don't know. They might know the yardage and TD records since Peyton set them this year but for the most part the records are unknown and not-cared-about. So PED usage that obliterates records, like in baseball, simply doesn't matter to the NFL fan.
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