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Old 01-08-2014, 08:16 PM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 10,651
Default new Storefront (Belltown Vintage Cards): Contest

Two winners - choice of one of the photos described below, or this Susini card featuring Red Murray: Susini Red Murray

Guess the winner, total points and score of the AFC championship game:

1st tie-breaker: Total points
2nd tie-breaker: Point differential;e.g-Denver beats N.E. 35-31 and you guess 38-28, point differential=6. If you guessed N.E. beats Denver 35-31, point differential=0, but you wouldn't have gotten to this tie-breaker, because you guessed the wrong teams
3rd tie-breaker: This is weird, but - point differential between your birthday (day/month) and the final game-score, where 'day' represents the winner.

1st prize is your choice of either of the two 11 x 14 silver gel prints from 'the Conlon Collection', shown below, or the Susini card (link above). 2nd prize chooses from whichever prizes the 1st prize winner doesn't take. The photos listed originally at $149 (Mathewson) and $99 (Baker) when I bought them just after 'the Conlon Collection' store opened. I took them out of their wrappers once to loupe, then put them away, so they are mint. I saw the 'Rhoades Throwing' sold for $88 in a 2011 Mears auction, so they are considered pretty nice by some collectors.

Please post your entries in this thread, or the similar one in the main forum - only one entry, but you can edit it up until game-time next weekend.
$co++ Forre$+

Last edited by Runscott; 01-13-2014 at 12:44 PM. Reason: changed to giveaway thread
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