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Old 12-20-2013, 10:10 AM
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MattyC MattyC is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Default Obtained Live In '86

Priceless memories of my first card show at 10 years old in 1986.

I handed Straw an 86 Topps card prior to this one, which he signed (the card was later lost to time). Then, when I handed him this second 1986 Topps card, a security type 'handler' standing behind him curtly said it would be another $10 for him to sign a second card; it was $10 per sig apparently. I was tapped out and must have looked heartbroken, so Straw told the handler he was being a dick, and took my card, asking my name, and signed it for free...

Many, many years later, he wound up needing my brother's help to get into a nightclub in LA. I showed up and bought him a tequila shot, and regaled him with that story from 1986. Just a sweet guy all around. I always wonder what his final numbers could have been, had he fully applied himself and reached his max potential...

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