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Old 12-16-2013, 08:23 PM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
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Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
Some really great advertising stuff in this thread; and, especially some beautiful El Principe de Gales adv. I'll follow these with 10 of my EPDG T206's.

Furthermore, I've wondered why this T-brand was not carried over to subsequent issues (T205, T207, etc.) ?

Does anyone on this forum have any idea(s) why this is ? ?
I'd really love to hear them.

It's difficult to tell for sure from the ads, but I believe they're meant to portray the eventual King George V who became prince of wales on 9 November 1901. Edward VII wanted to prepare him to be king, a preparation Queen Victoria hadn't given Edward.

Once George became king on May 6, 1910 the pun and imagery lost a bit. Especially since the title is not hereditary and the eventual Edward VIII didn't become prince of Wales until 23 June 1911. He also wasn't as popular as George, and much thinner. So holding over a brand based on a pun that no longer made any sense also made little sense.

Just a theory of course.

Steve B
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