Thread: On the easel...
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Old 11-20-2013, 07:55 PM
JoeyF1981 JoeyF1981 is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 609

Originally Posted by GKreindler View Post
Hey all,

I hope nobody minds, but I figured that I would start a thread for whatever's going on in my studio. Well, anything that I think is worthy of posting, that is.

I figure that if everyone's cool with it, I can show some finished pieces here, as it's taking a while for me to get my website fully updated. Additionally, I can show some in-progress shots of other things, be they commissions or for my inventory. Just know that the quality of the photos I take myself aren't even close to that of the ones I have done professionally!

Speaking of whom, I just picked these up from those photographers:

Babe Ruth, 1927, 9"x12"

Joe DiMaggio, 1933 (I think), 9"x12"

Lou Gehrig, 1936, 16"x20"

The Ruth portrait is already spoken for by a fellow board member, but if anyone is interested in the other two, feel free to drop me a line.

And as usual, comments/critiques/rotten tomatoes are greatly appreciated.



PS: Oh, and special thanks to Jimmy for allowing me to use some of his images for these bad boys!
You are so talented. Amazing work! I wish I could afford at least one painting. Speechless
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