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Old 11-18-2013, 07:59 PM
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Bryan M1ll3r
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Seattle
Posts: 239

Aren't new people joining this forum every day? Aren't there members who visit infrequently? Is it a bad decision to educate them on what to look out for when bidding on Ebay?

I've, *gasp*, bid with Brent and watched some items from Probstein since these revelations but you can be damn sure that I've watched the bidder's history on them all, tried to find any previous sales history, and backed away at the first sign of anything fishy. If it weren't for these threads, I would have never known to look and wouldn't have walked away from some items.

To summarize, I completely disagree with you Kevin. Sure, as an individual buyer, I cannot completely change the system but pointing these things out does make a difference, even if its only a small one.
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