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Old 10-19-2013, 11:32 PM
Zach Wheat Zach Wheat is offline
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Originally Posted by wonkaticket View Post
Ahh the old Crandall and Saucier party. How did that whole Kevin as the grade master general of all TPGs work out again I forget?
Kevins posts actually were quite interesting. I see he still posts quite a bit on CU.

The forum used to have and still does to a much less extent...quite a bit of angst. I remember it being quite intimidating for newbies trying to learn all of the abbreviations and slang I now take for granted. The board was not real gentle on new posters. Fortunately that has changed.

I actually remeber reading through quite an involved thread on some intimate details of a particular set that I was interested in and had no idea what the hell they we're talking about. I've come a long way since then.

And yes Chao with an S at the end spells Chaos. He was an interesting poster. He had a good heart but perhaps lacked much in basic social graces.

Z Wheat
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